What is Machine Learning?

Investing in machine learning has exploded in recent years. Billions of dollars are being poured into this industry as the next frontier. This map shows the wide diversity of companies working on unique applications of machine intelligence and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to all kinds of industries and platforms.

machine learning and ai application across industries and platforms
Applications of Machine Learning and AI Across Industries and Platforms

What is Machine Learning, Exactly?

Machine learning is the science of getting computers or AI to act without being supervised or programmed. The initial algorithms learn over time as more data is entered into the computer. The AI recognizes patterns, makes hypotheses, adjusts predictive analytical capabilities and becomes smarter as time passes. Machine learning capabilities have become so powerful because of the availability of exponential amounts of computing power, availability of data and metadata.

ai and machine learning process
Learning Process of AI and Machines

Source: Seven Peak Ventures, Machine Learning Primer, Diamandis, Peter H.; Kotler, Steven (2015-02-03). Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World. Simon & Schuster.

  1. Look: AIs can learn how to detect objects and categorize them. Example, Google Images can identify objects and place keywords on millions of images.
  2. Read: Computers can read all kinds of documents faster than any humans. Database providers such as Lexis-Nexis can process thousands of documents and make them searchable.
  3. Write: Computers can produce reports by integrating data sources and extracting the relevant content. For example, I talked about ROSS which is the legal research assistant that can produce relevant content for lawyers.
  4. Integrate knowledge: By integrating multiple sources of information (digital, analog), offline and online content, structured and unstructured content, computers have the ability to learn from and make sense of all these data. For example, Palantir is an AI-powered platform that is used by intelligence agencies around the world to map out complicated terrorist connections and allow analysts to “connect the dots”. The software has now been extended to be used to track financial crime.


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