Watson is Now Available in Your Hotel Room

My previous posts discussed the power of cognitive computing and how it could potentially transform our lives. But what does it really mean to us?

 applications of cognitive computing ai
Cognitive Computing AI could have applications across multiple sectors.

So what if IBM Watson is the best Jeopardy! player in the world or that Google’s DeepMind is the best Go player? What everyday applications do cognitive computing or cognitive analysis AI have that affect us in our daily lives?

Applications of Cognitive Computing in the Hospitality sector

 ibm watson ai hospitality sector
IBM Watson’s AI is helping to create Smart concierges for the hospitality sector.

Think about what happens when you travel and stay in a hotel. How often have you had to lift up the phone in your hotel room to ask for additional towels, the WiFi password or room service? It’s a really simple request that usually warrants a quick response from the hotel staff. Yet, it can be really frustrating when hotel guests have to wait for the staff to pick up the phone, especially in the late night.

Go Moment developed IVY – a SMS-based 24-hour concierge service powered by IBM Watson – to enhance the hotel experience. IVY reads text messages sent by customers and uses cognitive analysis and computing to provide instant responses, while triggering the hotel staff to fulfill that request. It is more than a chatting tool. It allows hotels to use their manpower more effectively by channeling them to fulfil the customer’s requests rather than just simply operating as a glorified call center.

Go Moment IVY AI concierge
Go Moment’s IVY AI concierge can help fulfill common hotel guest requests.

IVY ingests all the customer requests and is able to tailor the responses using AI to track the personal habits of the customer. It can also detect moods of the customer and take preventive actions to address the complaints to prevent negative customer experience. IBM Watson can now be an integral part of transforming customer service and hospitality.

The next time you stay at a hotel: you may not have to dial “0” for the operator anymore. Instead, you’ll be texting on your phone and chatting with IBM Watson.


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